13 February 2014

Metalsmithing with Stephanie Lee

Did I say that I signed up for a metalsmithing class online with Stephanie Lee at the same time as the doll making class? Which was also the same time the painters got started on the outside of our house. And pretty much one of the first things they did was to tape plastic over the windows so I couldn't use my studio. I always crack open the window behind my bench to let in fresh air when I use flux. So, that wasn't going to happen. The painters have been gone for over a week, yeah! And the house looks good, but I didn't really buckle down and work on anything class related. And, when I did, it was just components, as usual.
But, today, I made myself work on something from start to finish (and by the time I was balling the sterling wire for the dangles, I really had to make myself stick with it.):

New earrings, with solder and Gilder's Paste. My fingers probably had more of that paste on them than the earrings do. I haven't quite figured out a way to apply it in a way that doesn't involve fingertips.
It feels good to actually have made something from start to finish and, even better, to have two new pairs of earrings.

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